Light-up bike like a 'Tron Cycle'
Revolights will turn your bike into a Tron Light Cycle - CNN.comvar cnnCurrTime=new Date(1368774317000),cnnCurrHour=3,cnnCurrMin=5,cnnCurrDay="Fri",cnnIsIntl=true,clickID=212106,cnn_cvpAdpre="edition.",cnnCVPAdSectionT1="edition.cnn.com_specialreports_makecreateinnovate_t1",cnnCVPAdSectionInPage="edition.cnn.com_specialreports_makecreateinnovate_inpage",cnnShareUrl="%2F2013%2F05%2F15%2Ftech%2Finnovation%2Frevolights-night-time-cycling-safety%2Findex.html",cnnShareTitle="Light-up%20wheels%20turn%20your%20bike%20into%20a%20\'Tron%20Cycle\'",cnnShareDesc="",cnnFirstPub=new Date('Wednesday May 15 05:41:58 EDT 2013'),cnnSectionName="tech",sectionName="tech",cnnSubSectionName="tch : news",cnnPageType="Story",cnnBrandingValue="intl.make.create.innovate";cnnPartnerValue="/cobrand/wired";cnnOmniBranding="Make Create Innovate",cnnAuthor="Tim Maly ",disqus_category_id=207582,disqus_identifier="/2013/05/15/tech/innovation/revolights-night-time-cycling-safety/index.html",disqus_title="Light-up wheels turn your bike into a \'Tron Cycle\'",cnn_edtnswtchver="edition",cnnIsStoryPage=true,cnn_metadata = {},cnn_shareconfig = [];cnn_metadata = {section: ["tech","tch : news"],friendly_name: "Light-up wheels turn your bike into a \'Tron Cycle\'",template_type: "content",template_type_content: "gallery",business: {cnn: {page: {author: "Tim Maly ",broadcast_franchise: "",video_embed_count: "0",publish_date: "2013/05/15",photo_gallery: "Light-up wheels turn your bike into a \'Tron Cycle\'"},video: {video_player: ""}}},user: {authenticated: "",segment: {age: "",zip: "",gender: ""}}};if (typeof(cnnOmniPartner) !== "undefined") {if (cnn_metadata.template_type_content === "") {cnn_metadata.template_type_content = "partner";}}var photo_gallery = "Light-up wheels turn your bike into a \'Tron Cycle\'";if(typeof CNN==='undefined'){var CNN=Class.create();}CNN.expandableMap=[''];function _loginOptions(){};var disqus_url=(typeof disqus_identifier!=='undefined') ? '' : ''+location.pathname;cnnad_newTileIDGroup(['970x66_top','300x250_rgt','300x250_rgt2','336x280_rgt','336x850_rgt','300x150_rgt','728x90_top','728x90_bot','BG_Skin','120x90_bot1','120x90_bot2','120x90_bot3']);cnnad_newTileIDGroup(['607x95_adlinks','336x280_adlinks']);
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By Tim Maly May 15, 2013 -- Updated 1731 GMT (0131 HKT) | Filed under: Innovationsif (typeof cnnArticleGallery=="undefined"){var cnnArticleGallery={};if(typeof cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList=="undefined"){cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList=[];}}var expGalleryPT00=new ArticleExpandableGallery();expGalleryPT00.setImageCount(8);expGalleryPT00.setAdsRefreshCount(3);//cnn_adbptrackpgalimg("Light up the way", 1);.cnn_html_slideshow_metadata > .cnn_html_media_utility::before{color:red;content:'>>';font-size:9px;line-height:12px;padding-right:1px}.cnnstrylccimg640{margin:0 27px 14px 0}.captionText{filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity:1}.cnn_html_slideshow_media_caption a,.cnn_html_slideshow_media_caption a:visited,.cnn_html_slideshow_media_caption a:link,.captionText a,.captionText a:visited,.captiontext a:link{color:#004276;outline:medium none}.cnnVerticalGalleryPhoto{margin:0 auto;padding-right:68px;width:270px}
Revolights are a set of wheel-mounted LED's that increase cycle visibility, making it safer to ride at night. cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":true,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":1,"title":"Light up the way"} A ring of white and red LEDs are installed around the entire rim of the front and back wheels, acting as headlights and taillights cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":2,"title":"Sci-fi upgrade"} Only the forward facing lights (or backward on the rear wheel) illuminate when the wheel is spinning, creating beautiful arcs of light that make the rider visible from all angles. cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":3,"title":"Light patterns"} The blinking of the lights is timed in order to prevent them from shining into riders' eyes. At low speeds this is achieved through an accelerometer, which determines the position of the lights through the pull of gravity. cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":4,"title":"Using innovative technology"} When the bike is going at high speed, the blinking pattern is calculated based on the wheels' period of rotation. cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":5,"title":"Timed LED blinking"} The Revolights project was funded on Kickstarter in 2011 when it raised over $215,000 - more than five times its target. The team have recently launched Revolights City, a second generation product that can fit additional types of 700C rims.cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":6,"title":"Constant development"} Instead, the team also have just launched a Kickstarter campaign to create custom wheels with built-in LEDs for those who want to avoid challenges of adapting their existing bikes. cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":7,"title":"Revolights Wheel"} The creators say that new system will be more lightweight and simple than the original bolt-on design, making it more user friendly. cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList.length]={"currentPicture":false,"x":0,"y":0,"pos":8,"title":"Jump and go"}HIDE CAPTIONLight up the waySci-fi upgradeLight patternsUsing innovative technologyTimed LED blinkingConstant developmentRevolights WheelJump and go<<<
8>>>Event.observe(window,'load',function(){if(typeof(cnn_adbptrackpgalimg) == 'function' && typeof(cnnArticleGallery) != 'undefined'){cnn_adbptrackpgalimg(cnnArticleGallery.currentImageList[0].image,"Light-up wheels turn your bike into a 'Tron Cycle'");}});STORY HIGHLIGHTSRevolights are a set of wheel-mounted LEDs which increase cycle visibility The project raised five times the goal funding on Kickstarter in 2011 Now the team is looking to Kickstarter again to develop wheels with in-built lightsThe lights are timed to blink depending on the speed the bike goes, preventing them from blinding riders
Adam Pettler, Revolights' co-founder and CFO The lights use two mechanisms to tell the LEDs when to turn on and off. At low speeds, an accelerometer determines the position of the lights by reading the pull of gravity. At higher velocities, the lights switch over to calculating speed based on the wheel's period of rotation. That allows the system to synchronize a cascading LED pattern.This is Revolights' second Kickstarter campaign. The first one was completed in 2011, raising five times its initial goal. Pettler says this second Kickstarter is being done to celebrate the release of a v2 version of the product. Interestingly, the revamped Revolights City v2.0 kits aren't one of the Kickstarter rewards."The City represents our second product, designed with the goal of making Revolights more accessible," says Pettler. "And while it is a new product we now offer, Revolights City is an aftermarket kit you install on your own wheels, and we felt putting it on Kickstarter would be too similar to our last campaign."Read: Introducing the world's tiniest fisheye cameraSo they went bigger. The current Kickstarter is for custom wheels with the lights built right in. It's a project created in partnership with Mission Bicycle Company (also a Kickstarter alum)."We designed Revolights Wheels to address our largest design challenges: installation and compatibility," says Pettler. "While many cyclists enjoy their existing wheels and want to put Revolights on them, there's a whole other group of riders out there that don't want to install their own lights."It's a smart way of using Kickstarter. For simple product updates, there's no need (and indeed some discouragement) for using Kickstarter. But by putting together an ambitious product for the crowd funding site and timing that to coincide with an update of your more stable product, you get the best of both worlds as a creator.Subscribe to WIRED magazine for less than $1 an issue and get a FREE GIFT! Click here!Copyright 2011 »SHARE THISPrintEmailMore sharingRedditStumbleUponDelicious/* push in config for this share instance */cnn_shareconfig.push({"id" : "cnn_sharebar2","url" : "","title" : "Light-up wheels turn your bike into a \'Tron Cycle\'"});var OB_permalink=''+location.pathname;var OB_langJS='';var OB_widgetId='AR_1';var OB_Template="cnnedition";if (typeof(OB_Script)!='undefined'){OutbrainStart();}else{var OB_Script=true;var str="cnnad_createAd("730968","¶ms.styles=fs","95","607");cnnad_registerSpace(730968,607,95);
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(CNN) -- Anyone that bikes dreams of riding a Tron Light Cycle. Revolights, a set of wheel-mounted LEDs, now makes that dream a little closer to reality, and a new built-in version is helping that system become even more lightweight and simple than the original bolt-on setup.
The white-and-red lighting comprises a ring of LEDs that you install around the entire edge of each of your bike rims. Using a pair of clever devices, only the forward-facing lights (or backwards, in the case of the rear wheel) illuminate when the wheel spins. The result is beautiful arcs of light that make you visible from all angles, an effect that Revolights' co-founder and CFO Adam Pettler says came by accident.Revolights inventor Kent Frankovich didn't set out to produce the arcs, instead he was looking for a better headlight design, one that would make obstacles stand out more clearly though low angle lighting. The timed blinking of the lights was to prevent them from shining in a rider's eyes. "It wasn't until after he had created the first prototype that we realized the huge increase in rider visibility that came with it," Pettler says, "He then quickly made a red taillight to match."Read: Ex-cop builds robot from household goodsWe designed Revolights Wheels to address our largest design challenges: installation and compatibilityAdam Pettler, Revolights' co-founder and CFO The lights use two mechanisms to tell the LEDs when to turn on and off. At low speeds, an accelerometer determines the position of the lights by reading the pull of gravity. At higher velocities, the lights switch over to calculating speed based on the wheel's period of rotation. That allows the system to synchronize a cascading LED pattern.This is Revolights' second Kickstarter campaign. The first one was completed in 2011, raising five times its initial goal. Pettler says this second Kickstarter is being done to celebrate the release of a v2 version of the product. Interestingly, the revamped Revolights City v2.0 kits aren't one of the Kickstarter rewards."The City represents our second product, designed with the goal of making Revolights more accessible," says Pettler. "And while it is a new product we now offer, Revolights City is an aftermarket kit you install on your own wheels, and we felt putting it on Kickstarter would be too similar to our last campaign."Read: Introducing the world's tiniest fisheye cameraSo they went bigger. The current Kickstarter is for custom wheels with the lights built right in. It's a project created in partnership with Mission Bicycle Company (also a Kickstarter alum)."We designed Revolights Wheels to address our largest design challenges: installation and compatibility," says Pettler. "While many cyclists enjoy their existing wheels and want to put Revolights on them, there's a whole other group of riders out there that don't want to install their own lights."It's a smart way of using Kickstarter. For simple product updates, there's no need (and indeed some discouragement) for using Kickstarter. But by putting together an ambitious product for the crowd funding site and timing that to coincide with an update of your more stable product, you get the best of both worlds as a creator.Subscribe to WIRED magazine for less than $1 an issue and get a FREE GIFT! Click here!Copyright 2011 »SHARE THISPrintEmailMore sharingRedditStumbleUponDelicious/* push in config for this share instance */cnn_shareconfig.push({"id" : "cnn_sharebar2","url" : "","title" : "Light-up wheels turn your bike into a \'Tron Cycle\'"});var OB_permalink=''+location.pathname;var OB_langJS='';var OB_widgetId='AR_1';var OB_Template="cnnedition";if (typeof(OB_Script)!='undefined'){OutbrainStart();}else{var OB_Script=true;var str="cnnad_createAd("730968","¶ms.styles=fs","95","607");cnnad_registerSpace(730968,607,95);

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